How does Shepherd Crossing do it?

Our staff is small, but mighty.

Keeping a small, mostly part time, staff and making good use of donated space, enables us to give back to the community, not the overhead.

Our People

Beth Klug

Executive Director

Warren Holmes

Client Services Director

Seana Balman

Operations and Outreach Manager

Brooke Helmers

Office Manager

In the beginning of Shepherd’s Crossing, a shared calling inspired different churches to come together with a common goal. That compassion still thrives today. Love.

Letter from Jeff Morris, Board President

SC fulfills a vital role in our community. Long-time friends and supporters of Shepherd’s Crossing are very familiar with how we provide a hand up to those in financial crises. The amazing staff and volunteers preform a tremendous service for our community and it is humbling to see them in action. SC offers hope and support on the front lines of efforts to improve the lives of citizens at their most vulnerable time.

The support we receive from the community is inspiring and essential to our ministry. Right now, we’re seeing that inflation in energy and transportation costs has a disproportionate impact on our families. As we enter a post-Covid economy, there are significant changes going on in society’s safety net. Our counters are seeing more people with more needs than ever. Our goal is to help raise the profile of the need in our community and help prepare the organization for the future. As a volunteer-driven and donor-supported organization, we depend on continued support to meet increased demand.

Please know. how thankful SC is for the generosity in time, talent, and treasure that we have received. We are truly blessed as an organization. This year, we are sure to face new challenges, and with a clear focus on our mission, we’ll continue to serve.

-Jeff Morris

Board of directors


  • Jeff Morris, President

  • Ann Knackendoffel, Vice President

Board Members

  • Caprice Becker

  • Kevin Bryant

  • Scott Emley

  • Ellen Hill

  • Julie Keenan

  • Steve Lee

  • Karen Lynch

  • Chris Payne

  • Randy Peterson

  • Bob Sawyer

  • Harry Watts